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Ocean Medicine ~ Visual Therapy

Ocean 1

Luckily for those of us on-island during the past few weeks, the shelter-in-place orders have always allowed for ocean activities (though beach walks were restricted for a while), allowing us to take advantage of the incredibly reviving benefits of the ocean.

Whether on a surfboard, kiteboard, kayak, a fishing boat, or just a long swim, those who venture into the ocean will tell you that each excursion is a unique and humbling experience. When the noise of the beach is replaced by the constant soothing sound of the moving water, time seems to slow down and the cares and concerns of the day seem smaller in the scheme of things.

Time in the ocean creates many positive effects on the body and mind, including making you happy! Since not everyone can go in person, weʻre passing along a beautiful video made by Darius Devas and featured on Surfer Today. Go full screen, turn the volume on, breathe deeply and let the sight, sound, shape and color of mesmerizing ocean waves lift your mood.

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